Stephen R. Covey Books in Order
3Rd Alternative
better place than either had envisioned. With the Third Alternative, nobody has to give up anything, and everyone wins.
8Th Habit
In the 7 Habits series, international bestselling author Stephen R. Covey showed us how to become as effective as it is possible to be. In his long-awaited new book, THE 8th HABIT, he opens up an entirely new dimension of human potential, and shows us how to achieve greatness in any position and any venue. All of us, Covey says, have within us the means for greatness.
Principle Centred Leadership
PRINCIPLE CENTRED LEADERSHIP will help solve these dilemmas – and many others:* how do we achieve a wise and renewing balance between work and family in the midst of constant pressures and crises?* how do we unleash the creativity, talent and energy of the vast majority of the work force, whose jobs neither require nor reward such resources?*
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Rs. 2,800.00The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
New York Times bestseller—over 25 million copies sold The No. 1 Most Influential Business Book of the Twentieth Century
The Leader in Me (ISBN:9781471141676)
Change your child’s future starting today: Learn how to use Stephen R. Covey’s proven 7 Habits to create a leadership program for kids of all ages so they can be more effective, more goal oriented, and more successful.
The Wisdom and Teachings of Stephen R. Covey
This commemorative collection captures the essence of Dr. Stephen R. Covey’s most profound teachings on business, success, management, family, and love.
Turn The Ship Around! – A True Story Of Building Leaders
No matter your business or position, you can apply Marquet’s approach to create a workplace where everyone takes responsibility for their actions, people are healthier and happier – and everyone is a leader