Stafford International School Grade 1 Book List
Nelson Grammar Pupil Book 1A
Rs. 970.00Rs. 1,170.00Nelson Grammar Pupil Book 1A
Enhance your children’s essential grammar skills with full coverage of the grammar curriculum, presented in small, easy-to-manage steps.
Rs. 1,170.00 -
New Heinemann Maths – Year 1 Shape, Measure and Data Handling: Activity Book
Flexible and practical resource to stimulate pupils’ numerical thinking. A colorful activity book covering shape, measure and data handling. Includes built-in assessment and a structured development of each separate topic. Provides outstanding, exceptional and motivating pupil materials.
New Heinemann Maths – Year 1, Addition to 10: Activity Book
The ideal resource to stimulate pupils’ numerical thinking. A colorful activity book covering addition to 10. Includes built-in assessment and a structured development of each separate topic.
New Heinemann Maths – Year 1, Check-up: Workbook
NHM has a flexible short-term, long-term and continuous assessment strategy.
The Check-up Workbook includes Check-ups for short-term KS1 assessment and Round-ups for longer-term KS1 assessment.
New Heinemann Maths – Year 1, Numbers to 20: Activity Book
The ideal resource to stimulate pupils’ numerical thinking. A colorful activity book covering numbers to 20. Includes built-in assessment and a structured development of each separate topic.
New Heinemann Maths – Year 1, Subtraction to 10: Activity Book
Flexible and practical resource to stimulate pupils’ numerical thinking. A colorful activity book covering subtraction to 10. Includes built-in assessment and a structured development of each separate topic.