Cambridge Global English Learners Book 5
Cambridge Global English is a nine-stage language-rich course for learners of English as a Second Language, following the Cambridge International Examinations curriculum framework. Learner’s Book 5 provides the core input for Stage 5 with nine thematic units of study and five review spreads. Units end with an engaging project and opportunity for self-assessment. Richly illustrated units contain six lessons, each developed around a unifying theme. Materials feature skills-building tasks for listening, reading, writing and speaking. ‘Use of English’ features focus on language awareness, and ‘Tips’ boxes on specific skills. Texts included have variety: factual and fictional, dialogue and poetry covering a range of topics. Accompanying Audio CD includes listening material for Stage 5 Learner’s and Activity Books. CEFR Level: A2.
About the Author:
Jane Boylan is Senior Lecturer in Social Work at the University of Keele, England. Her research interests include advocacy, looked after children and children and young peoples’ rights. She has published widely in the field of children’s rights and advocacy, including Understanding Advocacy for Children and Young People (Open University Press, 2009) with Jane Dalrymple.