Whether you’re new to the game, frustrated with your score, or simply in the market for a refresher on the tried-and-true mechanics that make hitting the ball fun and easy, “GOLF” Magazine’s “Big Book of Basics” is all you need. Covering everything there is to know about your setup, swing, mental outlook and even how to be a better playing partner or more accomplished competitor, the “Big Book of Basics” leaves no lesson unturned, providing the knowledge you need to take your game to a whole new level or simply start out on the right foot. Written by “GOLF Magazine’s” Top 100 Teachers in America – the most elite team of instruction experts in the nation – and presented using rich photography and step- by-step illustrations, the “Big Book of Basics” answers all of your golf questions by focusing on the basic needs all golfers must own to hit straighter drives, better irons, and putts that always find the bottom of the cup. In addition to improving any golfer’s swing, the book is designed as an easy-to-understand primer for new players and high-handicaps.
By explaining key rules, codes of etiquette, and equipment issues, the book provides teacher-approved ways to enjoy the game more and have a better golf experience.” Suggestions are simple, quick and effective – getting back to basics with this book will be the best investment you make in your game for more birdie opportunities
Rs. 277.50
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Golf Magazine Big Book of Basics
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Book Author | |
ISBN-13 | 9781618930071 |
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